Bonitos Companeros Nothing Compares

Owners: Dorota Bialek, Markus Kirschbaum, Klaus Vorderstrasse

Father: Craigowl Santana
Mother: Bonitos Companeros Qamar

CKC Show in York Pennsylvania
Bonitos Companeros Nothing Compares (Bialek/Kirschbaum/Vorderstrasse) Tricolor. Excellent type and size. Lovely expression. Lovely temperament. Very good topline. Very good body. Chest deep end broad. Good bone. Moves very well. Lovely coat. Reserve Winners Dog, Best Tricolor Dog

„Best Tri in Show“ Cavalier of The South Atlanta GA May 9 ,2015
Big thanks to Judge Elain Whitney  and my Breeders Markus and Klaus

CH.Craigowl Santana

Craigowl Elliot Ness

Ch.Craigowl Billy Elliot

CH Militree Nijinsky

Craigowl Jennifer

Maibee Venita of Craigowl

Rytonion Spencer

Maibee Vienna of Craigowl

Craigowl Columbia

CH.Militree Nijinsky

CH Tameline Northern Dancer

Miletree Evening Dream

Craigowl Claravale

Maibee Hamilton of Craigowl

Craigowl Jennifer

Bonitos Companeros Qamar

JCH. Bonitos Companeros Unbelievable

CH Maibee Make Believe

CH Lanola Santana of Maibee

Maibee Disenchanted

CH Aranel Energie

CH Aranel Cosmic

Aranel Fransesca

Bonitos Companeros Regency Silk

Pscavale Jamie

CH Craigowl Billy Elliot

Pascavale Loretta

CH.Miletree Miesque

CH Tameline Northern Dancer

Miletree Evening Dram